Company Profile

Naka Liquid Control Co., Ltd. > Company Profile > ISO Certification

ISO Certification

【 Scope 】

Naka Liquid Control will apply its ISO certifications to the following sites as well as our business and personnel in order to meet the requirements based on ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

  1. Sites
    ・Osaka Head Office : 2-18-1, Dainichi-cho, Moriguchi City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
    ・Tokyo Office : 5-2-5, Jindaijihigashi-machi, Chofu City, Tokyo, Japan
    ・Nagoya Sales Office : 5-50-1, Kakuwari-cho, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

  2. Business
    Description of business: Manufacture, sales and after-sales maintenance of liquid dispensers and related parts

  3. Personnel
    The workforce working for Naka Liquid Control consisting of employees of Naka Liquid Control including officers, part-time workers, temporary staff from temporary staffing agencies, and employees of resident companies (contractors)

【 Quality Policy 】

Naka Liquid Control works to improve customer satisfaction with all employees united and cooperating to meet the expectations of our customers and their needs. We collect and analyze correct information at appropriate stages and work to enhance our quality management system to improve product quality. To achieve this policy, we set quality targets and develop them in each department, promoting the following work:

  1. Evaluate customer product satisfaction to provide products that meet customer needs.

  2. Devise and implement the quality management plan to achieve the requirements to be applied.

  3. When executing operations, we implement the PDCA cycle (plan-do-check-act) to check the results.

Naka Liquid Control will make this quality policy thoroughly known to our entire workforce and publicize it to the general public.


ISO 9001:2008認証証

ISO 9001:2008マーク

【 Environmental Policy 】

We are a general manufacturer of dispensers with a broadly diversified customer base that reaches from the cosmetics industry to the aerospace industry where we deliver single-component and 2-component dispensers. We have established the environmental policy below and will continually strive to maintain and improve our environmental management system, which is applied to all of our business, products and services with our entire workforce participating.

  1. Fully cognizant of the environmental impact of our business, products and services, Naka Liquid Control will work to prevent environmental pollution and promote environmental protection, continually improving our environmental management system and environmental performance.

  2. Naka Liquid Control will abide by all public laws and regulations, generally accepted practices and in-house rules concerning the environment.

  3. In addressing the environmental impact of our business, products and services, Naka Liquid Control will undertake the following as important management issues:

    ① A. Assess products to develop environment-conscious products.
    ② Promote receiving orders of eco-friendly products.
    ③ Continue the appropriate management of electric power, copying paper, solvent and waste.

  4. Naka Liquid Control will conduct an environmental impact assessment of our business and establish an environment policy and targets based on the results thereof, and top management provides the framework for review annually.

Naka Liquid Control will make this environmental policy thoroughly known to our entire workforce and publicize it to the general public.



ISO 14001:2004認証証